Saturday, December 12, 2009

Experiment with the Portfolio Spreadsheet

Experimental Portfolio Spreadsheet

I re-created 2 Portfolios. One port is Ocean Portfolio and the other is TSP Portfolio using Google Spreadsheet. It works quite well for me and I think I can monitor my simulated portfolios without being forced to use Facebook by KaChing. If I find something better online for portfolio tracking and it's free, then I will make the switch. As of now, it serves my needs.

Both portfolios will have $100,000 as an initial simulated cash investment. Ocean Portfolio will continue to be trend trading using ETF in either direction (Long or Inverse). TSP Portfolio will trade the government TSP equivalent index funds such as SPY(C), EFA(I), AGG(F) and IWM(S). IWM is Russell 2000 Index fund and it is not really the S Fund equivalent but I chose IWM because of its high trading volume. TSP portfolio will be traded in Long position because of its restriction.

I initiated both portfolios at the close of 12-11-2009 and these are 100% invested based on the 39-week moving average charts.


  1. Thanks for the update.
    I only notice EFA in your TSP Portfolio, is that correct?

  2. Kurt,

    This is correct that the TSP portfolio is 100% in EFA.

